Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Oh Marvel, hooray.

Iron Man 2 is right around the corner!! Here is the new 7/11 ad that is out in support of the movie!

I think that one is a little funnier then Dr. Pepper's ad, but still not laugh out loud. They'll get it at some point I hope.

Anyhow, basically Marvel has been doing a lot of hyping of Iron Man 2. The trailers, the commercials, all of the articles about it...well... it looks amazing to say the least. There is always the doubt though that they show the best parts in the trailers because the movie sucks. I really hope that's not the case because Iron Man was fantastic.

Besides all of the Iron Man 2 promotions, Marvel has been promoting their comic releases such as Deadpool, Spider Man, Age of Heroes, Thor, and Daredevil. I haven't been to a comic book store in a little bit, so I've got plenty of stuff to start looking at. Not to mention I have to start on that summer project of decoupaging that night stand. Huzzah.

More likely to answer on Facebook.

Apparently 1/3 people would rather talk to family on facebook.

Hmmm, not sure if I agree or disagree with this. When it comes to immediate family like brothers, significant others, and parentals...I would have to say face-to-face. You can't beat it. Not to mention my family is hilarious with the things we talk about and conversation in general. Usually humor is not transcribed well through text.

When it comes to cousins and such....ummmm...I'd prefer facebook actually. I find a certain amount of my cousins relatively annoying. That and if conversation becomes very stale, I can just excuse myself from conversation. Easy as that. They add me on facebook, can see at all times what I'm doing, thus leaves me with less obligation to talk to them when I see them at family gatherings haha.

Now, the awkwardness is adding family. I often forget that I have 12 year old cousins who read what I post and frequently think...oh my...probably should have edited that. But then again, 12 year olds nowadays are doing MUCH different things then when I was 12. I tend to think they can teach me what's up rather then the other way around.

I added my mom on facebook the other day. This came after much deliberation, going through my photo albums, through my statuses...or stati...or whatever the plural form of "status" is; I finally decided to push the "Add as Friend" button. Well, she rarely does anything but sends me requests to join Farmville. She may have snooped on me, but meh, it's my mom...it's basically her job no matter what. haha I've resigned to that fact.

surely you jest.

So check out this article. Word has it that college kids are addicted to social media...



That's all I've really got to say about it. I'm surprised that people are surprised. It's like the news story on ABC the one time about the lady who only goes to grocery store when she runs out of food. Um, and? Psh. It's April, almost May, and I haven't been to the grocery store since November. I actually like to consume the food in my apartment before I go and purchase more. Call me weird, it's just how I work.

The fact that people can write a news story on how college kids are addicted to social media is not in the least bit surprising, or news. New news at that. The article discusses how students at University of Maryland were asked to go ONE DAY without social media.

So they could not use:
Lap-tops or PCs
Ipods or any of it's relatives
etc, etc, etc.

Essentially these kids were dead to the world for an entire 24 hours.

They actually noted feeling jittery, anxious, nervous, alone, secluded. Hmm, I can name a couple of people like this, but I believe I can go a day without it. It'll be inconvienent, but it's possible. It's a neat social experiment, but it's another abuse of how addicting simply staying in touch with people can be. Then there is the typical people that are treating it like a heroin addiction and you need to drop social media before you die from it or something. I've noticed the most negative people on social media are the ones who won't even give it a chance. It's technology, it's here, might as well make use of it.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Marvel Movies, oh My

So...I touched on Iron Man 2 in my last post but totally forgot that Marvel is going to be pumping out at least 3 more movies in the next 2/3 years.

The first one is Thor. This is due out May 11th 2011. I tried digging up a trailer but sadly, there is none that I can fine for this for the next two movies I'm mentioning. I'd pretty pumped because this movie has Natalie Portman as Jane Foster, Chris Hemsworth as Thor, and Anthony Hopkins as Odin.

The movie is basically about Thor, an arrogant warrior, whose actions have him sent to Earth where he is forced to live among humans. When evil forces are sent to Earth, he realizes his true calling and what a real hero is.

Film number two is "The First Avenger: Captain America"

This movie is due out on July 22nd, 2011. I realize it's awhile away...but I'm still excited because we all know what that means...THE AVENGERS!

After being deemed unfit for military service, Steve Rogers volunteers for a top secret research project that turns him into Captain America, a superhero dedicated to defending America's ideals.

The person playing Captain America is Chris Evans. That's practically the only solidly known for sure actor in it. A lot of them are "pending" or rumoured.

The third movie, piggy-backing the last two, is "The Avengers"

This movie should indeed be amazing if done right. You have Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man, Chris Evans as Captain America, Edward Norton as the rumored Bruce Banner, and Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury. Brilliance in a word. It's due out on May 4th of 2012, but it's so far ahead that from what I can't find, the plot isn't quite released. Still...with a cast like that, how can you go wrong?

So needless to say, Marvel has lots of promoting all the way up to 2012...and who knows what is also in the works!

Cue Black Sabbath music...."I am Ironman..."

So this is the newest Iron Man 2 commercial that was advertised through Marvel.com and also on their Twitter account. It's by Dr. Pepper. I thought it was cute, not really laugh out loud material for me though.

I've been pretty excited with all of these Iron Man 2 commercials on TV, the ads that have gone along with it, and just in general because the first one was great. I also think that Mickey Rourke, cast as Whiplash, is an EXCELLENT actor for the part. It looks fantastic and I don't think May 7th can come any sooner!

Marvel is producing quite a few twitters about their online comic books still. I realize the convienence of this, but I just don't like the whole "Comic book online deal" I've tried reading them on their and just couldn't get into it, or found that I was distracted with whatever else was going on my computer screen. If I had the comic book in front of me, I wouldn't notice these things and just read. It's not a 9284653 page book people...Comic books are 15 pages maybe? with lots of ads in them as well. Not exactly a huge read.

Facebook pwns Google in the workplace

I was reading an article online and I was actually be surprised to learn that Facebook is being used more than Google at the workplace.

Here's the article: http://mashable.com/2010/04/16/facebook-at-work/

I'll sum it up...so the article discusses how at the workplace Facebook is getting more bandwidth usage than google is. This means that more people are using Facebook, or visiting it more. The stat still shows that YouTube is the reigning king though.

"The company looked at 13 billion URLs used by businesses in the first quarter of 2010and found that 6.8% of all business Internet traffic goes to Facebook, which is double the amount of business traffic that goes to Google and nearly triple the amount that Yahoo gets"


"An accompanying survey showed that 43% respondents are concerned about this seemingly excessive use of social media in the workplace."

I find this second stat VERY interesting. I know all the college kids do it, and it usually outranks doing very important school work which decides if you pass or fail courses sometimes. Facebook is relatively becoming an addiction for a lot of people and often times it makes me laugh when people post in their status that they are deleating there facebook. Ha...yeah...suuureee you are. I do agree that it does have very addicting tendencies, but at the same time, if used correctly and not just to have a fake farm, fishtank, cafe, hotel, mafia group, island, pets, cars, etc., etc., it can be a very good way to actually keep in contact with people. It's meant to be a social networking site...just like Myspace was...and like all things, they pass. I remember when EVERYONE had to have a Myspace or you practically weren't a human. Now people look at you like you have an appendage growing out of your head if you say you don't have a facebook.

I personally like to argue with the people who think they are being socially righteous simply by not having a facebook. They feel like they are "fighting the good fight". I honestly think having a facebook is a good thing. People can stay in contact with you, see pictures of you, chat with you, and just simply stay in touch. My cousins who live in different states don't have to only see me and get in contact me once a year.

Twitter is making some money money moneyyyy....

Twitter has recently decided to try and start making money by allowing companies to kind of buy, "Promoted Tweets". I actually was not shocked in any form of the word. I kind of wondered why Twitter wasn't doing this sooner actually. A move like this is a no brainer for twitter, especially since they already have accounts with the companies who are now paying for top search results.

I decided to try it out. I went to twitter, didn't log in, but searched for "Coffee". I was confused at first because just random tweets from people were up about hating coffee, getting coffee, smelling coffee, etc. So I thought, "Hm...weird..." but as soon as I logged in, I noticed Starbuck was at the top of my list of my streaming tweets. Mind you...I hate coffee and nothing will ever make it taste good to me. Now...tea...I have an entire cabinet in my apartment devoted to tea.

The companies can promote and create ads so that if you were to search for something dealing with them, they would be at the top of the list. I suppose this is only if you are logged in? I have no idea...

Anyhow, I thought this was a very good decision on Twitters part. Just as long as they keep Twitter as is and don't become money hungry...that would be solid.